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I'm Alessandro Marrella, I'm a Software Engineer and a Swiftie from the Reputation Era.You can email me at hello @ this domain or chat with me in the socials linked below
Welcome to my website!
I'm Alessandro Marrella, I'm a Software Engineer and a Swiftie from the Reputation Era.As mentioned in the previous post I've just started learning to draw with the "Drawing On The Right Side of the Brain" book by Betty Edwards (https://www.drawright.com/). I haven't done any "lesson" yet but the book asks to do a few pre-instruction drawings, so here they are!
As mentioned in drawing I've decided to embark this journey of learning to draw, inspired by a random workshop I walked into accidentally at Lucca Comics, and seeing all the beauty of that world with fresh eyes (I went to the festival for the "Games" part, but was really fascinated by the illustration part).
I don't have the confidence necessary to show up at a drawing course in Tuscany (just feel the pressure of being in the land of Da Vinci and show up to a course there 😬), so I decided to look online for the next best thing (the blessing of living in this day and age is that you can find everything on the internet).
A friend showed me anyhow today for Rust. Got to clean up a lot of unwraps and expect! (I’m writing a CLI app, i don’t need custom handling for every error)
I started a new hobby: learning to draw. Attempting that with the drawabox course and “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain” from Betty Edwards. Drawabox seems very good from a technical point of view but maybe a bit boring, so i bought that book too which is supposed to be more fun. We’ll see how far I can get!
I randomly ended up in a Masterclass by Tyler Jacobson today at Lucca Comics. And by randomly i really mean i walked into the wrong place… but it ended up being the most interesting thing i did today! His deep dive on how art works for designing fantasy worlds and characters was great. Also learned technical things like contrast > value > temperature > color. Super interesting