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I'm Alessandro Marrella, I'm a Software Engineer and a Swiftie from the Reputation Era.You can email me at hello @ this domain or chat with me in the socials linked below
Welcome to my website!
I'm Alessandro Marrella, I'm a Software Engineer and a Swiftie from the Reputation Era.Note: for this recipe you need a pizza stone to get best results. In alternative, you can use a pan that can withstand high temperatures.
Preparation time: 3h
Rest time: 12h (but the dough is usable up to 36h later)
Cooking time: 3-4 mins (depending on the oven)
Pizza requires very high temperatures (>300 celsius). Home ovens typically reach 250-260, but the grid on top of the oven is hotter, for this reason you need to put the static oven to max, put pizza stone on the top shelf as close as you can to the grid, and let it get hot (~45 min).
Prepare the dough on top of some flour. Use your hands only. First use your index and middle finger and design the crust, then slowly start tapping in the middle with all your fingers to slightly expand. Flip the dough, and do the same. Then put the dough on the back of your hands, and make it rotate with your thumbs while you expand with the fingers.
Once ready, take out the stone, put the dough on top of it, extend it a bit more if needed. Add tomato sauce, and all toppings. Put it in the oven for 3~4 mins and take it out. Serve hot.
By default, nix sets the epoch to be 1 (which corresponds to 1970-01-01), this causes some issues when building some Python packages. Since the zip might contain files from the nix store, those are dated 1970 breaking the installation of the python package.
I started learning Nix a few months ago, when it was introduced to the company I work for by some brilliant coworkers. I'm still learning and exploring this space, but I thought I'd share a few tips and resources that helped me start this journey to help newbies like me start working with this tool.
I spent the past few weeks fighting with Kubernetes Admission Controllers (also known as Mutating/Validating Webhooks).
Slides from the talk I gave at the Dublin Scala Users Group on the 23rd of January 2019