How to quickly profile python imports and runtime

A small TIL about Python profiling.

2024-07-20 Â· 1 min

[VIDEO] Powering machine learning pipelines with Dagster

Presentation I gave at the Dagster Community Meeting on the 21st of September, 2021 on how to use Dagster for machine learning purposes, with an explanation on why we chose that instead of Airflow.

2021-09-14 Â· 1 min

Avoiding ZIP does not support timestamps before 1980 in Nix with Python

By default, nix sets the epoch to be 1 (which corresponds to 1970-01-01), this causes some issues when building some Python packages. Since the zip might contain files from the nix store, those are dated 1970 breaking the installation of the python package.

2020-09-15 Â· 1 min